Extends Item


An iOS tab bar.

A tab bar positions Apple.TabBarItem children, and manages a single "selected" item.

If you are looking for a complete tab view, try Apple.TabView.

Apple.TabBar {
    Apple.TabBarItem {
        systemItem: .Favorites
    Apple.TabBarItem {
        systemItem: .Recents
    Apple.TabBarItem {
        systemItem: .Search

property Int selected: 0

The index of the currently selected tab bar item.

property Apple.TabBar.Style style: .Default

The navigation bar background style.


A light background color with dark text.


A dark background color with light text.

property Bool translucent: true

Controls whether the tab bar is translucent. When the bar is translucent, content behind it is blurred and tinted.

property Color barTint: #transparent

Sets the background color of the tab bar, overriding the default tint color.

Apple.TabBar {
    barTint: #amber

property Bool showSeparator: true

Controls whether the separator line at the top of the tab bar is shown.